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Pay attention to eye diseases when swimming in summer and fall

Pay attention to eye diseases when swimming in summer and fall

autumn, eye diseases, high incidence, acute conjunctivitis, article cover image

The hot summer is gradually approaching the end, and the breath of autumn gradually from the high latitude to the low latitude areas, but there are many places that are still in the middle of the hot summer, this period also has a high incidence of acute conjunctivitis, manifested in the redness of the eyes. Ophthalmologists point out that conjunctivitis is more common in spring, summer, and fall, and is associated with high-temperature environments, active infectious agents, and more routes of infection.

Overview of Acute Conjunctivitis

Under normal circumstances, the conjunctiva has a certain defensive ability, but because the conjunctiva has abundant lymphatic tissue and blood vessels, it is very susceptible to external or self-antigenic stimulation and acute conjunctivitis occurs, and its most common symptoms are itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, redness, swelling, tearing, and increased secretion.

According to doctors, acute conjunctivitis is one of the most common infectious eye diseases in ophthalmology clinics and is so contagious that it is impossible to prevent.

Transmission of Acute Conjunctivitis

Acute conjunctivitis is often spread in an “inadvertent” way, inadvertently grabbing the handrail of the bus or subway, unconsciously rubbing the eyes with the attached germs of the hand, may be infected.

In addition, because acute conjunctivitis is contagious, if you come into contact with towels, washing utensils, faucets, etc. used by the patient, or if you are in the same swimming pool as a person with pink eye, you can easily be infected.

Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention to personal hygiene and wash your hands frequently. It is difficult to avoid touching public utensils when you are out and about, so try not to rub your eyes with your hands so that you will not be easily infected.

Treatment and care of acute conjunctivitis

Experts point out that the principle of treatment for conjunctivitis is to treat the cause of the disease, which mainly includes controlling the infection and inflammation; treating the underlying systemic disease, and preventing or minimizing damage to the eye. Treatment is based on topical administration of drugs, systemic administration if necessary, and generally does not require surgical treatment.

Daily Precautions for Eye Protection

  1. When the glasses are red and harassing, reduce going to some public places, such as swimming pools, public bathrooms, etc.;
  2. Do not rub your eyes without washing your hands;
  3. Avoid contact with towels, bathtubs, and some public utensils used by pink eye patients;
  4. The daily diet should be as light as possible, do not overeat, and do not eat spicy food;
  5. Many bacteria and viruses invade and cause disease when the human body’s immunity is weakened. Therefore, daily exercise can improve immunity and prevent the occurrence of many diseases, including pink eye disease;
  6. It is best to stop using contact lenses, especially in patients with conjunctivitis caused by contact lenses;
  7. Sunglasses can be worn to reduce eye irritation from light;
  8. People with windy working environments and more exposure to dust and smoke should actively wear goggles to prevent conjunctivitis.

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